Actualidad / Events

ZIGURAT Summit: The Future of Construction Debated in Barcelona


The construction industry has become more dynamic and faces significant global challenges. In response to this situation, the ZIGURAT Summit has emerged, an international event analysing the future challenges and opportunities of the sector.

The ZIGURAT Summit, sponsored by Bentley Systems and Cintoo, brought together dozens of international experts who, in simultaneous presentations in English and Spanish, discussed some of the currently hottest topics: digitalisation through BIM 4.0 and artificial intelligence, sustainability and circularity, and innovation and equity.

“The ZIGURAT Summit has been an inspiring space to chart the way towards a more sustainable, technological, and fair construction industry,” says Pau F. Aldomà, CEO of ZIGURAT Institute of Technology, online institution of masters and postgraduate programmes in the Built Environment and Tech Management and organiser of the event.

“Having industry leaders from different places and with different perspectives has enriched the dialogue and the search for solutions for the future of our sector,” he adds.

A Key Week for Construction in Barcelona

The ZIGURAT Summit was held within the framework of the ZIGURAT Student Week, an exclusive event for the institution's Alumni that brought together almost 150 architecture and engineering professionals from around the world.

"The link between the ZIGURAT Summit and the Student Week has been exceptional, as it has allowed the speakers to connect with the youngest and most promising minds in our field," Aldomà highlights.