Before the end of the year, Zigurat had met the Masters directors at its offices in Barcelona. Working on brainstorming and team building dynamics to potentialize, empower and guide the academic programs, towards innovation and the education of the future.
Zigurat Global Institute of Technology promoted an international meeting with the program's directors on Saturday, December 18, in Barcelona. Dozens of professionals from around the world participated in a productive day of Think Tank, in which they worked on different team dynamics, with the objective of approaching innovative methodologies for the future of education. During the event, ideas and improvements were presented, in terms of methodology, topics, trends and tools. The collaborative work between Zigurat’s directors and the staff was a real success.
During the session, which was part of the school’s celebration of the 20th anniversary, countless topics were discussed, including short- and medium-term training needs, the products of the future and the Zigurat ecosystem. The Think Tank lasted about six hours and had useful results with solid themes that support the company’s learning philosophy. In 2022, Beyond Future Education will be a reality more than ever. Beyond Future Education: 20 years promoting innovation in education
This year, Zigurat Global Institute of Technology celebrated two decades as the number one online training institute in the educational sector. In this context, the school put special emphasis on disseminating its learning philosophy and strengthening sustainability and innovation in education.
The 20th anniversary corporate videos, the publishing of the first one Alumni Magazine, the opening of the new International Master in Circular Construction or the announcement of Pau F. Aldomà as the new Zigurat´s CEO are events that highlighted the year where changes and innovation were relevant.